27 11, 2017

Massage For A Smooth Holiday Season

2020-09-06T11:06:46+00:00November 27th, 2017|Blog|

Everywhere you go at the moment, you’re surrounded by the “magic” of the holiday season. Crowds traveling to and fro, ads for gifts that will strain your budget, cooking and cleaning for the guests who are already on your doorstep – in your rush to do your part to support all of this magic, you may be forgetting a very important part of the equation: you. It’s important to make sure you’re up to all of these holiday tasks, and the best way to do that is to schedule a massage. This is not just an indulgence. Yes, it’s a [...]

14 11, 2017

Holiday Strategies for Eating Smart

2020-09-06T11:10:09+00:00November 14th, 2017|Blog|

There’s nothing quite like the food that you enjoy at the holidays. A particular recipe can conjure up all sorts of memories, and just one sniff of the prepared dish can transport you across the years and miles. Unfortunately, holiday food can also wreak havoc with that healthy lifestyle that you work so hard to maintain. That’s why we’re happy to offer these tips that may just keep you from going too far astray during the holiday season this year. The biggest pitfall most of us encounter while trying to follow a healthy holiday eating plan is the feeling of [...]