State of the art Cryo Therapy with -30°C air

The Cryo 6 features cooled air for efficient pain treatment, swelling reduction and muscle relaxation. The system enables Cryo Therapy with precise placement and at a constant dosage, every time. The device uses no consumables and delivers high power.  This enables a quick decrease in superficial skin temperature, while maintaining the ability to operate all day.

Unlike other cooling methods, such as contact cooling, cryogen spray or ice packs, the Cryo 6 decreases the skin temperature quicker, with less risk of skin burns and keeps a constant dosage throughout the entire treatment time.

Experience the transformative effects of Cryo 6 Therapy at Golla Center for Plastic Surgery & Spa  in Pittsburgh and embark on your journey to enhanced well-being today!

1.It’s an effective, noninvasive way to rid your skin of toxins.
Your skin takes on many toxins in the course of a day: Polluted air, unclean water, processed foods and even stress take their toll. Regular cryotherapy treatments flush out toxin deposits so that natural nutrients can work their magic. The result is healthy, radiant skin.

2.It fights acne.
Most lesions on the skin surface are removed during weekly facials, and remaining blemishes heal faster. Cryotherapy also has anti-bacterial properties that hold pimples at bay.
If you struggle with acne, you’ll see fewer blemishes as the weeks go by. Scarring from eruptions in the past will be less noticeable.

3.It’s a strong defense against fine lines and wrinkles.
Collagen is the most prevalent structural protein in our bodies. It’s found in the skin and other connective tissues.
Since cryofacials stimulate collagen production, your skin will start to tighten for a smoother, more even-toned complexion. Over time, you’ll develop fewer wrinkles. Existing fine lines and wrinkles will be less visible.

4.It boosts blood circulation.
Good blood circulation is vital for healthy skin. Blood contains oxygen and nutrients that nourish skin cells. It also flushes away toxins.

5.It triggers cell regeneration.
As dead skin cells are frozen and exfoliated, the body replaces them. Cryotherapy accelerates this natural process. After only a few treatments, dry, tired-looking skin takes on firmness and a healthy glow.

6.It reduces the occurrence of inflammation.
Cryofacial reduces both external and internal inflammation by constricting the blood vessels. It can be highly beneficial for people bothered by excessive skin redness, a condition called rosacea, and other inflammatory problems.

7.It’s great for your hair.
Thanks to enhanced immune function, another benefit of cryotherapy, you’ll see marked improvement over time in the quality of your hair. Many clients have noticed stronger and more lustrous hair.

8.It may reduce flare-ups of some chronic skin conditions.
Cryotherapy not only treats symptoms caused by inflammation, but it resets the body’s immune system to fight the underlying causes of some skin diseases. Improved autoimmune performance might keep conditions like psoriasis and eczema in check.

9.It lifts your mood and makes you smile.
People who smile rather than frown almost always have younger-looking skin.
Cryotherapy causes natural feel-good chemicals called endorphins to surge in the bloodstream. Over a few weeks, you’ll see your mood lightening. You’ll smile more. You’ll look and feel younger.

cryo 6

Zimmer cryo therapy Pittsburgh
Zimmer cryo therapy Pittsburgh


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