31 10, 2017

Microneedling Surgery: Stretched To The Limit

2019-06-21T14:25:33+00:00October 31st, 2017|Blog|

It’s another one of those things that we don’t talk about in polite company – stretch marks. No matter how much we want to embrace them, there they sit. Staring at us in silent accusation of what we did to deserve them. For some of us they’re more of a fact of life than they are for others, but really anybody can develop stretch marks at any point in their lives. And here’s what you need to know about them. Stretch marks occur when your skin becomes stretched beyond its natural capacity to snap back like a rubber band. This [...]

22 10, 2017

Cool Weather Skin Care

2020-09-06T11:13:31+00:00October 22nd, 2017|Blog|

The weather has definitely begun to cool off – your garden knows it, and your wardrobe shows it. So don’t let your skin become a billboard for what cooler weather can do, too. Here are few tips to keep in mind as we move into fall and winter that will help your skin look and feel its best. The first thing to remember about the cooler months is that there is significantly less moisture available for your skin. Not only does cooler air hold less moisture, but central heating and blustery winds both work to steal moisture away from wherever [...]

10 10, 2017

No More Frowning with Xeomin

2020-09-06T11:15:51+00:00October 10th, 2017|Blog|

If you’re like most of us, you work hard and you play hard. And both of these usually demand your full focus and attention. When you’re that serious about life, it can be written all over your face. Unfortunately as we grow older, sometimes we end up wearing that serious expression even when we aren’t feeling it. Yes, we’re talking about frown lines. Fortunately there’s a great way to beat the frown with a simple injectable, Xeomin. The muscles beneath our skin are responsible for forming our facial expressions. As these muscles contract, they force our skin into folds and [...]

5 10, 2017

Know Your Options – Belotero Balance In Pittsburgh

2020-01-20T22:58:06+00:00October 5th, 2017|Blog|

Ever since Botox hit the stage several years ago, the range of cosmetic injectables available has been constantly expanding, and one category of injectables, the fillers, have really taken off. That’s why it’s important to understand what each particular product can do for you so that you and your doctor can choose the one that best fits your particular needs. For now, let’s take a closer look at Belotero Balance dermal filler. All fillers work to add volume to those places where your skin has lost its natural resilience and elasticity, aka wrinkles and lines. As skin ages, it loses [...]