31 08, 2017

The Quick & Easy Path To Beautiful

2020-09-06T11:25:22+00:00August 31st, 2017|Blog|

You’ve made the decision to take a more active role in your life – making good choices about your lifestyle, and creating routines that will help you live and look better as you move forward. Now the only question that remains is how will you fit these good intentions into your busy reality? Look no further than the Medi-Spa at Golla Center free mobile app. Get immediate access to all aspects of the medi-spa right through your device without ever needing to make a call. Browse our complete menu of services and then make an appointment that best fits your [...]

21 08, 2017

Because Winter Is Coming

2020-09-06T12:11:46+00:00August 21st, 2017|Blog|

You probably make quite a few changes as the seasons move through the calendar – changes in the décor around your home, the number of layers added to your wardrobe, even the things you eat (pumpkin latté, anyone?). It’s important to remember to switch up your skincare routine to match the change of seasons too. As we bid farewell to summer, take a moment to think about what you’ll do to care for your skin during the cooler months. There are two main points to remember as the weather shifts. The first is to make the move to moisture. Cooler [...]

11 08, 2017

Dermaplaning For Smooth Skin Fast

2020-09-06T11:29:22+00:00August 11th, 2017|Blog|

With the end of summer already in sight, it’s time to begin making yet another seasonal transition. Your wardrobe will change and so should your skin care routine. One way to get a fantastic base line for fall is to begin with a clean slate, literally. Dermaplaning is a fantastic way to start out the new season with fresh, clear skin. The word defines the process – this is a mechanical way to exfoliate the upper most layer of your skin that’s quick and virtually pain-free. A highly trained aesthetician uses an uber fine blade and small upward strokes to [...]