31 01, 2017

Smile More, Smile Brighter

2020-09-10T23:39:12+00:00January 31st, 2017|Blog|

Feeling comfortable in our bodies is the first step toward looking good. No matter how we drape ourselves in fashion, hairstyles and makeup, we won’t look our best if we don’t genuinely feel good about ourselves. And that self-confidence is important for more than just our good looks – it contributes to our successes with work, relationships, and our sense of self-worth on a daily basis. A simple way to feel better is to smile more. It’s like a perpetual motion machine for our mood. The more we smile, the better we feel; the better we feel, the more likely [...]

15 01, 2017

Combatting Hair Loss

2020-09-10T23:41:39+00:00January 15th, 2017|Blog|

Let’s face it – we put a high priority on how our hair looks. It’s a fundamental component of our personal style, and our society as a whole spends a good deal of time and money making it look its best. The way our hair looks can contribute significantly to how we feel about ourselves and to our degree of self-confidence. That’s why it can be so devastating when we begin to lose our hair. First of all, there are a number of reasons why we experience hair loss. Some are temporary and some aren’t, and some of them are [...]

6 01, 2017

RejuvaLyft™, Exclusively At The Golla Center

2019-06-21T13:53:00+00:00January 6th, 2017|Blog|

The holidays may have come and gone for another year, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to give yourself the perfect gift. And what better gift could you give than a chance to look and feel younger without invasive surgery? Better still it’s affordable and quick, performed by a board certified plastic surgeon in a state-of-the-art medical facility. RejuvaLyft™ uses a combination of FDA-approved dermal fillers, collagen stimulant enhancers and neurotoxins or the patient’s own fat cells to reverse signs of aging. There are also additional services included that will tighten, smooth and refresh your skin for immediate, longer [...]