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Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck in Pittsburgh is a surgical procedure to correct a protruding or loose, sagging belly. Areas to be treated may include the center of the abdomen or may extend of the entire area between the lower rib cage and pubic bone, as well as to the sides and back.

A fit and well proportioned body is often consider a symbol of health and vitality. But despite good health and a reasonable level of fitness, some individuals may still have a body with disproportionate contours due to localized fat deposits. These areas may be due to the heredity of family traits rather than a lack of weight control or fitness.

If you are bothered by excess fat deposits, located anywhere on your face or body, that do not respond to diet or exercise, liposuction may be right for you. In general, liposuction slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing localized or regional excess fat deposits, improving your body contours and proportion, and ultimately, enhancing your self-image.

consultation with Dr. Golla is the first step to learn not only if a tummy tuck might be right for you, but also how abdominal contour surgery can improve your body image and abdominal contour. We design a consultation to fully educate you about tummy tuck in Pittsburgh a non-pressured environment, and will include:

  • Discussion of your goals and evaluation of your individual case
  • Options available in this procedure
  • Likely outcomes of tummy tuck and risk/potential complications
  • The course of treatment recommended by Dr. Golla
Who Are the Best Candidates For an Abdominoplasty?

Suitable for both men and women who are in good general health.
Women who have had several pregnancies may find the procedure useful for tightening their abdominal muscles and reducing the amount of loose skin. A tummy tuck is also an option for men or women who were once obese and still have excess fat deposits or loose skin around the belly.

The best possible candidate is someone who is already close to their ideal weight and has stubborn fat and or skin that does not disappear with proper diet and exercise.

How to Prepare for Abdominoplasty  Surgery

The first step is to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon and set up a consultation. At that meeting, you’ll talk about what kind of surgery is best for you, according to your lifestyle and appearance goals.

Do not undergo a drastic diet before the surgery. Instead, eat well-balanced, complete meals in the weeks leading up to the surgery, as a healthy diet may help you heal faster and more fully. Your plastic surgeon will be able to recommend an individualized diet for you to follow.

Tell your doctor about everything, you take, including prescription drugs, herbal medicines, and any other supplements. Your cosmetic surgeon may instruct you to stop taking certain medications for a period of time before or after the surgery.

Before undergoing surgery, be sure to get your home in order with everything you may need or want during your recovery time. It will be helpful to have:

You will also need someone to drive you home after the tummy tuck, so be sure to make these plans ahead of time.

  • Ice packs
  • Loose, comfortable clothing that can be put on and taken off very easily
  • Petroleum jelly for the incisions
  • Hand-held shower head and bathroom chair
Benefits of an Abdominoplasty

Enhanced Confidence: This common surgery can improve your abdominal contour, and therefore enhance body image. If you’re seriously considering this procedure, the surgery can certainly have emotional advantages, like enhanced confidence, increased socializing, and a more positive life attitude.

Reduced Back Pain: Back pain is a common complaint that is effectively treated with a procedure like this. When back pain is caused by weakened stomach muscles, abdominoplasty provides much-needed support to the abdomen. Patients thinking of a tummy tuck in Pittsburgh could well benefit from this surgery and should contact Dr. Golla.

Improved Appearance: Helpful for genuinely restoring body proportion for patients with disproportionate body contours. For some, it’s an unappealing appearance, and often caused by fat deposits that are unevenly distributed. In addition to the abdomen area, surgery may include the lower rib cage region, as well as the side/back.

Better Body Posture: Abdominoplasty typically tightens and tones the abdominal muscles. When these muscle groups are tighter, patients will usually see body posture improvement after surgery. Chances of Lordosis (inward curve of the spine) are also reduced. Body posture is not only aesthetic – there are physical benefits.

Abdominoplasty Risks

For patients undergoing a tummy tuck in Pittsburgh, it’s important to appreciate the risks of the surgery and any complications. For some patients, there may be bouts of slow healing, fluid build-up, and even some numbness. In some cases, patients experience pain after the surgery. Importantly, patients always sign a consent form to confirm their understanding of the surgical procedure and associated risks.

At the Golla Center, we discuss about the benefits and risks of tummy tuck surgery prior to the procedure. This is particularly important for those who want to address specific issues related to post-surgery outcomes and effects.

Costs of a Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

For the most part, abdominoplasty is considered to be a cosmetic procedure. This means that most health insurance plans will not cover the procedure. Clearly, the overall cost of a tummy tuck in Pittsburgh will vary, all based on a number of factors.

  • The base cost of abdominoplasty will depend on the individual surgeon chosen. The cost of the complete procedure will also include surgeon’s fees, anesthesia, and surgical facility fees. Add to that all the required pre-op and post-op appointments.
  • The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery has very generalized cost averages. This is mainly because of the many factors of the procedure – everything from geographic location to the scope of treatment, to the surgeon’s individual level of expertise can all factor into a patient’s procedure and costs.
  • Finally, patients should not forget about some of the additional costs, primarily in the postoperative stage. There could be further medical tests – there may be a need for post-surgery garments.

At the Golla Center, patient financing is available when required. It’s very similar to a conventional credit card – with no up-front costs, no prepayment penalties, and monthly payments that are convenient. It’s an ideal way to amortize costs.

Welcome to Golla Center

At Golla Center, we are committed to helping you achieve your goals. Dr. Dinakar Golla is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Pittsburgh who is trained in the very latest, state-of-the-art techniques in cosmetic surgery to help you realize your dreams.


Fox Chapel — 107 Gamma Dr Suite 210, Fox Chapel, PA 15238


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