What is Bellafill?

2020-09-11T05:35:18+00:00July 12th, 2015|BellaFill, Blog|

Bellafill in Pittsburgh Bellafill is an FDA-approved dermal filler that is injected into folds, or smile lines. Bellafill is non-resorbable, unlike many other dermal fillers which are absorbed by the skin and require future reinjections (Source: Bellafill.com). It is also effective in for other facial wrinkles as well as for acne scars. Bellafill is a unique cosmetic injectable collagen facial filler in that it contains microspheres of PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) in a bovine collagen gel matrix. This microspheres effectively help your skin repair itself by encouraging the body’s own natural collagen production, leading to natural, youthful-looking skin. Formerly known as Artefill. [...]