8 05, 2016

Nose Cosmetic Surgery or Rhinoplasty

2020-09-11T00:25:53+00:00May 8th, 2016|Blog, Nose Surgery|

What is Rhinoplasty A rhinoplasty is an ideal procedure for people who are unhappy with the size, shape, or symmetry of their nose, or for people who suffer from a deviated septum, which may result in difficulty breathing. Rhinoplasty is plastic surgery of the nose. It may be done for cosmetic purposes or medical purposes. Cosmetically, a rhinoplasty can enhance the facial proportions by correcting nose size, nose asymmetry, nose profile, or nasal tips. There are also nonsurgical procedure ways to help those who want help to fix a hooked nose. The procedure results in a more balanced facial symmetry [...]

1 12, 2015

What is Rhinoplasty and Why is it Done?

2020-09-11T03:34:39+00:00December 1st, 2015|Blog, Nose Surgery|

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that involves reshaping of the nose. It can be done for therapeutic purposes, like fixing congenital deformities of the nose or enhancing breathing. It can also be done to improve the shape of the nose either by changing its shape, reducing its size or making it larger. The origin of rhinoplasty goes back in ancient history. The first reported Rhinoplasty was in 800 BC. Deciding to Undergo the Operation It's crucial to determine if you are suitable for Rhinoplasty beforehand, before deciding to do the surgery. You have to be thirteen years of age or [...]